Tax Collector & Water Billing


Taxes are due February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1 with a ten day grace period, but if taxes are not paid by 4pm on the 10th day interest is due and payable back to the 1st of the month. Interest is charged as follows 8% on the first $1,500.00 of delinquent amount and 18% on the remaining balance. If you are using a computer or electronic payment method, please include the block and lot number for the property.

As Per NJSA 54:4-64:  "The validity of any tax or assessment, or the time at which is shall be payable, shall not be affected by the failure of a taxpayer to receive a tax bill, but every taxpayer is put on notice to ascertain from the proper official of the taxing district the amount which may be due for taxes or assessments against him or his property." 

Online Payments for Tax and Water Bills:

Follow this link to make online tax and water payments .

The Borough has made arrangements for residents and businesses to pay their tax and water bills online.  There are fees associated with paying your bill online.  

  • E-Check, there is a $1.95 convenience fee.
  • The fee for all other debit or credit card payments will be approximately 2.95% of your total bill.

Features and Benefits of Paying via E-Check, Credit or Debit Card:

  • It’s convenient- residents can make a payment by e-check, credit or debit card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s safe and secure - standard, commercial card networks are used. The Borough does not receive or store account or card numbers.
  • There is a fee charged by the service providers. These fees are based on the type and amount of your payment. The Borough does not receive any of these fees.  *Please see table above.
  • Payment information will not be disclosed for any reason other than processing the transaction authorized by the taxpayer.
  • A confirmation number is provided at the end of your transaction.

The New Platform Features Include:

  • Account Enrollment Allows Each Customer to Create & Manage an e-Wallet Profile
  • Integrated e-Wallet System Securely Stores Customer Payment Data, Allowing for Safe & Efficient Future Payments
  • Ability to Schedule Future Payments through the WIPP Online Payment Portal


Special Charges

When paying special charges online, please call 201-794-5338 for current interest before paying.

Property Tax Reimbursement:

Homeowners 65 or older, or receiving Social Security disability benefits and paid property taxes on their principal residence in New Jersey are eligible.  Applicant must be a NJ resident for at least 10 years and living in their current home for at least 3 years.  Applicant must also meet income limits for both "base year" and the year applying.  For more information, call 1-800-323-4400. 

Water Billing:

Water bills are sent out quarterly. Please include the bill stub when tendering payment. Please make every effort to pay water bills in a timely manner. Failure to keep your account current could result in your water supply being shut off at the curb.  Follow this link to make an online water bill payment.      

Follow this link to register to receive your water bill through e-mail, as opposed to a paper bill through the mail.

You are responsible for knowing when you get billed and responsible for payments even if your bill is not received.

Water is billed quarterly.  The rate is $6.50 per 1,000 gallon for 2025.

Drop Box for Payment:

For your convenience, a lock box has been installed in the parking lot of the Municipal Building for easy drop off of CURRENT tax and water payments. NO CASH PLEASE.

Property Tax Relief Programs:

Follow this link for property tax relief program information. All property tax relief program information provided is based on current law and is subject to change.

Water Meter Replacement:

Follow this link for questions about the water meter replacement program.

Quick Links

Online Payments

Water Bill E-Mail  Enrollment