100th Anniversary

Upcoming Events...

September 22: Fair Lawn Day - Sponsored by Columbia Bank
Memorial Park - 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Food trucks, petting zoo, DJ, music, trolley rides, merry-go-round, pony rides, arts and crafts!

November 23:  100th Anniversary Gala
More information to follow

As more event dates/times are finalized, more information will be posted.

BREAKING NEWS: Borough of Fairlawn is established. 

Today, March 6, 1924, Under Chapter 46 of the Laws of 1924, by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, a portion of the township of Saddle River, county of Bergen, hereinafter set forth and described are hereby constituted and declared to be body corporate in fact in law by the name of “Borough of Fairlawn.”

“Oyez, Oyez!”, the Borough’s Town Crier announced to draw attention to deliver the news of the birth of Fairlawn. 

Mayor Robert A. Smith delivered the following address:

“Gentlemen of the Council: It now becomes our duty to launch the new ship of State, The Borough of Fairlawn” upon its voyage into the great unknown future, with yourselves as the crew and I as your Captain and I sincerely pray, That with the help of God, that we may guide our craft through the many shoals and channels of civil life in safety, so that when we return to our port, our fellow men and women will say “Well done thou good and faithful servant.”

No, you haven’t been time-warped back to 1924. Today, the Borough of Fair Lawn celebrates their 100th Anniversary! To celebrate this historical moment, the Borough’s 100 Year Anniversary Committee reenacted Fairlawn’s (Fair Lawn was changed to two words on June 27, 1933) first Council Meeting last evening in Council Chambers. Though the first meeting wasn’t held until June 2, 1924 in the River Road Firehouse, the Committee felt it was fitting to perform the reenactment as the “kick-off” event.

The cast, dressed in 1924 attire, consisted of the Borough’s former Mayors, decedents of the original Council and members of the Committee to included Committee Chairs, former Mayor and current Assemblywoman Lisa Swain and former Mayor John Cosgrove. Even some of the attendees dressed decade appropriate.

Acting Mayor Cristina Cutrone gave a warm welcome and set the scene as former Mayor and current Borough manager, Kurt Peluso provided the opening narration. Fairlawn’s first Mayor, Robert Smith, played by former Mayor and State Senator Bob Gordon, delivered the original address in full. Councilmember Houtsma was elected Council President, beating Councilmember Croucher on a Roll Call Vote of 4-2. Jasper Van Hook, Jr. was appointed as Borough Clerk, with an annual salary of $300. (The current Borough Clerk took objection to the salary). The Police “Marshalls” (not department) were established and appointed as well as the “Stationery, Advertisement and Printing Committee”, which is now considered Public Relations/Social Media.

The evening concluded with a delightful dessert reception at the Fair Lawn Athletic Club, where attendees indulged in cake and coffee, perused old photographs and memorabilia, and enjoyed camaraderie amidst period-appropriate attire.

To learn more about Fair Lawn's rich history and upcoming centennial events, visit the Borough's website at: https://www.fairlawn.org/p/100

As Fair Lawn embarks on its next century, we celebrate the enduring community spirit that has shaped its past and continues to inspire its future.