Green Team Advisory Committee

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Mission Statement:  

The Borough of Fair Lawn Green Team Advisory Committee is committed to work with the Mayor, Council, other Borough Committees and citizens to maintain a vital and beneficial community.  This shall be achieved through the implementation of environmental practices and initiatives which will provide a healthy and sustainable Borough and enhance the quality of life for our citizens and their associations.                             


Our vision for Fair Lawn is to create a community that understands its environmental assets and resources and will act to protect and enhance them. The Green Team, under the direction of the Mayor and Council and interaction with other committees shall lead by example.  In order to achieve this vision, the Green Team Advisory Committee will set goals for the future, use indicators and targets to track progress, and promote and educate government, citizens, businesses, schools, and civic organizations.   By doing this, a Sustainable Fair Lawn will be achieved.


Collaborate with citizens, employees, government officials and service providers to share resource information and ideas consistent with the Committee’s mission.

Encourage participation of all citizens and employees to solicit ideas on green initiatives.

Research and analyze green initiatives which make practical environmental and financial sense.

Develop strategies for green initiatives in municipal operations.

Collaborate, research and work with other groups towards becoming “Certified” through Sustainable New Jersey.

Research, review and create a sustainable element in the Borough’s Master Plan.

Research and coordinate efforts to create planning incentives, direct funding and resources towards sustainability.

Promote and educate environmental issues through Green Fairs and Green Challenges.

Recognize and celebrate existing initiatives and programs that the Borough is already doing that support sustainability.

2024 Meetings:

Meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. on the 4th Wednesday of the month via the Zoom link listed below. Anyone can attend the meetings, but if you want to be a member, see below. 

January 24th
February 28th
March 27th
April 24th
May 22nd
June 26th
July 24th
August 28th
September 25th
October 23rd
November 20th

Join ZoomGov Meeting:

Meeting ID: 161 523 6828

Passcode: 587354

One tap mobile

+16692545252,,1615236828#,,,,*587354# US (San Jose)

+16468287666,,1615236828#,,,,*587354# US (New York)

Meeting ID: 161 523 6828

Passcode: 587354

Want To Become a Member of the Fair Lawn Green Team?

Residents who are interested in becoming a member of the Green Team should complete a Volunteer Leadership Form