What Is This Service?
The Fair Lawn Volunteer Ambulance Corps provides non-emergency transportation services for the residents of Fair Lawn. This service is intended for residents who are non-ambulatory or require oxygen therapy and need assistance to or from a local hospital. Residents who require assistance from their car into their home and are non-ambulatory can call to have the ambulance crew meet you at your home for assistance into your home after discharge from the hospital.
Who Is Eligible?
Fair Lawn residents or their guests as agreed upon on a case-by-case basis.
Use Of This Service
Arrangements for transportations are made daily and will be scheduled for 7:00 PM. If a 9-1-1 emergency occurs at the time of transportation, the emergency call will take precedence and will be handled first. The transportation will be delayed until after the emergency.
How To Schedule Transportation
Call our transportation hotline (201) 797-5321 by 5:00 PM the day of the transportation, or preferably prior to the date requested. Your message should include the following:
- Your name
- Your contact phone number
- Name and address of the Fair Lawn resident
- Where the resident will be picked up from
- Where the resident will be transported to
- Is oxygen required for the transport?
- Note any special considerations (obese, large number of steps, etc.)
Please note that we do NOT provide advanced life support during transportations and cannot transport patients who are required to be on a ventilator, have IV's running or require other advanced medical care.
Cost: None, this is a volunteer service for those in need, but donations gladly accepted. Private services cost up to $700.00 for this service.
Last Updated: Mon, 06/03/2019 - 2:15pm